Who do local workforce boards work with?
Who do local workforce boards work with and how can we be helpful?
The workforce system is comprised of an array of partners who work diligently with companies and communities to provide services through a “no wrong door” philosophy.
Wisconsin’s local workforce boards operate from a standpoint that any company or community partner can reach out to any of the workforce boards and team members with questions and the WWDA team will facilitate getting the question answered by the appropriate workforce partner.
Included below is a partial list of the partners and services we work with.
Department of Workforce Development (DWD) https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/
Job Service / local job centers https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/
Office of Veteran Employment Services (OVES)https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/veterans/
Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/dvr/
Wisconsin Apprenticeship https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/apprenticeship/
While local staff do not include the following, state workforce services also include the following:
Unemployment Insurance (UI) https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/ui/
Worker’s Compensation https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/wc/
Equal Rights https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/er/
In addition to the list above, the workforce team includes representatives from local technical colleges, local chambers of commerce, and economic development organizations.